<me_status_window> : Open/Close Macro Execution Status Window

For more complex macros, it is possible to display macro execution status so that user has a visual feedback of the running macro.  This command either displays or closes the status (progress) window.  Typically, the window is to be shown on the begin of the macro and closed in the end of the macro.  There can be only one status window shown at the same time.
The window can contain multiple rows containing icon (none, "in progress", "OK" "Failed") and status text.  The <me_status_set> command adds/modifies content of the status window - it either adds new row or modifies existing row.


<me_status_window>("Title", Operation, Always_on_top, X, Y, Wdt, Hgt)

Title of the status window.

0 - the status window is to be opened
1 - the status window is to be closed

0 - normal window that can be overlapped by other windows
1 - always on top window that is never overlapped by other windows

X - position of the window on the screen (absolute screen coordinates).

Y - position of the window on the screen (absolute screen coordinates).

Width of the window.

Height of the window.


<#> This sample shows how to us the status window

<me_status_window>("Macro in progres",0,1,100,100,350,150)
<me_status_set>(0,"Three steps needs to be done, please wait:",0)

<me_status_set>(1,"Step 1",1)
<me_status_set>(1,"Step 1: OK",2)

<me_status_set>(2,"Step 2",1)
<me_status_set>(2,"Step 2: Failed",3)

<me_status_set>(3,"Step 3",1)
<me_status_set>(3,"Step 3: OK",2)
